Welcome to Mindful Soma!


Well, here’s to jumping off the high dive halfway through my journey on earth. I have, for the most part, been a “toe dipper”, so taking steps forward is a bit like running through molasses. Keeping that visual, I’ll add that as all of us live, breathe, work, love, parent and go about life to the best of our abilities, there are times that the body and/or mind may not be in full cooperation. The last decade has opened the door for me to learn some of the whys and hows and what-to-dos when I’ve found myself thoroughly stuck in my mind or body. Soma - defined as “the body distinct from soul, mind or psyche”. I love the word.  Although the soma is distinct from, it is in no way functioning separately from the mind. More than any time in history, research is determining the extent to which the body and mind are interwoven and the profound effects of one upon the other. Therapies are beginning to address the “mind stuff” through the gateway of the body. It’s pretty dang exciting. At least in my toe dipping world. 

As I begin this new venture, I want to say that I am not certain on specifics of how it’s going to play out.  I have been waiting for the right time and a really good plan. Yet, that perfectly laid out plan never seems to materialize. There is always an obstacle showing up to thwart the process. So the idea sits… and nags… but never leaves my psyche. I have been told that going with the flow is how life is designed to work. I think I missed the memo. However, I have come to realize that it’s essential to allow room for grace and spirit to guide. And for that to happen, the mind has to step aside and allow for the flow of what comes forward.

I’ve had opportunity to absorb what I’ve learned through the study of yoga and mindfulness. I have kept myself rolling through what yoga and mindfulness has taught me. I understand on a deep level the extent to which we have influence over the state of our physical and mental health. It feels like the right time to live what I know just a little bit louder. The details of how this will look are on the drawing board. I have the outline - the rough draft so to speak. There will be small groups for mindfulness. There will be groups for adults and some for youth. Yoga will be primarily on an individual basis. There may be classes designed for a little of both. But the rest of the package will be created in community with you - as life is best designed. Welcome to MindfulSoma!